Psychological Treatment
for Adolescents

Pauline specialises and is experienced at working with a wide range of psychological struggles including:

  • Childhood and complex trauma

  • Depression, mood difficulties, low self-esteem, self-harming behaviours, and suicidal ideation

  • Stress, generalised anxiety, separation anxiety, social anxiety, and OCD

  • Relationship difficulties - family, peers, and bullying

  • Behavioural issues

  • Adjustment and transition to High School struggles

  • Parental and School support

  • Anger and emotional dysregulation

Some evidence-based approaches offered:

Pauline draws on Psychodynamic principles, as well as skills adopted from Schema Therapy, EMDR, Attachment Theory and Circle of Security, Neuropsychology, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Mindfulness.


Adolescence brings with it an increase in emotional conflicts and impulses, issues of identity, sexuality and fragility of the sense of self, desire for individuation but also an ambivalence about being helped by others, and greater risk of acting out and risk-taking behaviours. Pauline works at helping the teen understand themselves within their family and social world; through exploring their early attachments and relationships, their childhood life experiences, including grief and loss, trauma, bullying, and change. Pauline encourages the teen to understand how these events and relationships have influenced their lives; influence how they think, feel, react and behave the way they do.